Q. How Does Titusville Development Corp (TDC) Help The Community?

A. • TDC provides supportive services to low to moderate income Senior Citizens to increase capacity to maintain awareness of their economic capacity. Life skills classes, education on current issues, financial management counseling, and onsite meals are provided through a 5 day a week year round program.


Q. Who does TDC Work With?

A. TDC is governed by a 7 member board and employs 3 full-time employees which include an executive director. Because of the size of the staff, there are often overlapping duties and responsibilities. TDC contracts with accountants, management consultants, architects and other professionals to support and complement its permanent staff. The organization has a great volunteer base that helps in the execution of all of the community services provided to residents.TDC collaborates and partners with the City of Birmingham and has managed HUD’s CDBG and HOME funds.

Q. Where is TDC located?

A. TDC is located in Birmingham, Alabama.

300 Kappa Ave South

Birmingham, AL 35205